June 26

I have no recollection of what we did in class today, but for homework we had to draw out three possible floor plans of a building of no specific type and with no specific purpose - it just had to have a central space, auxiliary space, and transitory space connecting the two. Then, we were to build our favorite.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, after we finish class, we have a 45 minute break and then we have a 1.5 hour long class with the TA (teacher's assistant). I love the teacher's assistant so much! She is HILARIOUS, and she's from a small town in Louisiana, so she has a really cool accent. She basically showed us the basics of Google Sketchup and Photoshop, things I already know how to do. I got back to the dorm at about 6:30 and worked on the homework. At 7:40, I went down to the lobby and met up with 3 of my classmates, and we went to get dinner at this overpriced restaurant/pub called Exchequer. I got the cajun chicken fettucini, and it was pretty good. The portion was huge, so I boxed up the leftovers and saved them for the next night.

As soon as I got back to the dorm, I worked on my floor plans some more. By 12:00, I only drawn a single floor plan and constructed a model of it. I planned on going in the next morning to finish the other two floor plans as soon as we were allowed to leave the dorm building, AKA 7:30.

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